We want you to be fully satisfied with your purchase. In the event that you are not satisfied with any item, you may return it for a full refund within 15 days from the date your order was placed. If there is an error with your order please contact contactus@mnlfarm.com to speak with a member of our team. Please be sure to include your order number in the subject line, the items you wish to return, and the reason for your request in the body of your email. We encourage any and all feedback, and will either issue an exchange, store credit, or refund depending on the circumstance. To exchange an item, it has to be returned to us and a new order has to be placed for the new item. Please allow up to two weeks from the time we receive your package for your return to be processed and completed.
The below information is required to process your return and needs to be included in your return package. If you ordered more than one item, please highlight or circle the item you are returning on the invoice.